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Power Lifting PR!

I was introduced to this amazing competitor through a strength and conditioning coach. He put me in touch with KD to help appropriately change body composition to support training and educate on meeting weigh-in standards while maintaining performance to the utmost degree. She texted me often about any unclear questions regarding her meal plan and was very diligent and dedicated to her training. KD did everything we talked about and I could not be prouder to see her success!

It is not always easy prior to weigh ins- emotions get high, often travel is involved, and generally nerves are pretty high.. this goes for the athlete AND the coaches! Weigh in day I got a text that said KD weighed in right on the dot. First hurdle, complete. She then had all night to fuel her body back up to prep for the grind the next day. She ended up 6.6 points shy of her ultiate point total goal, but was best deadlift in her flight. Not only that but at the end of the day, she took home 1st place in the 2017 Women's Nationals by the 365 Strong Powerlifting Federation!

Congratulations to an amazing competitor and well fueled athlete. Watch out for this fit force!!!

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